Safety wire the forward end of the F-1089 Elevator Pushrod Assembly which has the GMM-4M-675 rod end bearing installed. Form a loop that loosely encircles the bearing to the right side of the rod end. This loop will be pinned by the attach bolt.
Fabricate one F-1090 Elevator Pushrod (Mid) by cutting one piece of AT6-035 X 1 1/2 to the length shown in Figure 2.
Cut-out Page 39-11, Figure 2 and use it as a wraparound template for locating the rivet holes in both ends of the F-1090 Elevator Pushrod (Mid). Center-punch the "cross hairs" in the wraparound template. Use a #40 drill to make six pilot holes in each end of the pushrod. Deburr the hole edges on the inside of the pushrod tube.
Insert a VA-101 Threaded Rod End into the end of the F-1090 Elevator Pushrod (Mid). Proper engagement of the threaded rod end in the elevator pushrod is when the end of the tube coincides with the edge of the taper in the threaded rod end. Match-Drill #30 the threaded rod end using the pilot holes in the elevator pushrod as drill guides. Insert clecos in the holes as match-drilling progresses around the circumference of the elevator pushrod. Repeat until threaded rod ends have been match-drilled to both ends of the elevator pushrod.
Mark the threaded rod ends so that they can be re-installed in the same position as when they were match-drilled. Remove the threaded rod ends from the elevator pushrod and deburr all holes in all parts and prime all parts inside and out. Allow primer to fully cure before permanently installing the rod ends.
Permanently install the threaded rod ends to the elevator pushrod.using the rivets called-out in Figure 3.
Install rod end bearings and jam nuts into the VA-101 Threaded Rod Ends. Theoretically the correct engagement of the rod end bearings yields a bearing center-to-bearing center length of 60 13/16 inches. The rod end bearing engagement may need to be adjusted during installation of the F-1090 Elevator Pushrod Assembly.