The journey I have been on as the pioneer in UL Powered canards, has put me in position to be the official "Prop" guy. I have now tested 10 different pusher props on 2 different UL Power engines. Both winners have been the Silver Bullet series props. I can say with absolute certainty that the long ez hits a hard brick wall at 200kts. The airfoil selection was not intended to exceed 191kts per the POH without a massive increase in drag. VNE was established for a reason. The addition of HP took me from pushing 203Kts with the 390iS to an increase of only 5kts pushing 208kts with 40 more HP! The real benefit has been takeoff and climb performance. The new 200HP engine allows me to rotate at 700ft solo and climb out at 2300fpm with a prop that still pushes me to 208kts TAS. Who needs a constant speed when I can get that from a fixed pitch? The 390iS only allowed a climb rate of about 1200fpm so the HP is still a major win. Right now I've selected the 65x76 as my prop of choice, but I believe that as I tackle a few more low drag mods, I may be allowing the prop to run past redline. As of right now I'm only about 50rpm from redline using this prop and may need to order a second prop with a bit more pitch to compensate while allowing a bit better fuel economy as well. For now, this prop will be my prop of choice for short strips on hot days and racing in the summer heat :) I am a little puzzled though as to why she's so imbalanced from Gary. I'll need to tackle that this next week i guess :)