

Demoted Priority

Jesse Bentley
Muskego, WI - USA
Van's Aircraft - RV-8
Lycoming - XIO-360 Fuel injected
Whirlwind - 200-RV - Constant Pitch
Total Build Time:
588 Hours
Welcome to my experimental aircraft Web site.
****I'm back! Had this site down for the last year.
****Much progress since then that I'll have to catch up on.
****Instrument panel is largely done, base electric system
****engine sensors, baffle work, wings have been attached
****for the first time and lots more.
****I'll post it all as I have time.
After incubating my desire of building an RV for the past 14 years, I've finally begun!!
As I work through this thing I realize that it's probably best that I didn't start early on. The quality of the kits, with the CNC pre-cut pre-punched parts makes construction much faster and easier. As I'm really more interested in flying than building, I'm not sure that I would have stuck with the project if I had to build an earlier kit. Much more time consuming.
Empennage is done except for the fiber glass, QB fuselage and wings are in the garage. Empennage is mounted, Floors and forward consoles are fitted/built, rudder pedal assembly is complete and hooked up to the rudder, seat backs are done. Elevator pushrods are done and installed. Interior fuel lines, pump and fuel filter are plumbed. Working on break lines and stuff.
I'm thinking a realistic first flight target is spring or summer 2010. More likely summer or fall. I'll have to see how it goes I guess. Just have to stay focused on doing it right, not fast.
My motor has arrived!! Lycoming IO360, fuel injected with dual P-mags and horizontal cold air induction was built by Mattituck. It's beautiful! Can't wait to hang it!
Leather "Aviator" seats from Classic Aero have arrived along with the stick boots and matching Hooker harnesses. They're beautiful too!
I've ordered a Whirlwind 200RV constant speed prop and jihostro prop governor. Got in on a group buy with the folks at vansairforce.net. Saved about $1000 on the pair. It looks like the hot setup.
I'll wait until AirVenture in August to buy the EFIS and other panel stuff. Totally on the fence yet about the panel. The stuff I'd like to buy and the stuff I really need to fly are two different things. Much soul searching between now and purchase date.
I'm thinking of a version of P-51 paint that is pretty popular on -8s with nose art. Very similar to Bowen's "Nifty" in the picture above. Think I'll name the plane Jesse's Girl. Starting to settle on an idea about the nose art. I want it to be very much like the Vargas artwork. (Very popular on WWII aircraft as he was a premier pin up girl artist of the time. Very well known for his work for Playboy as well.) But I want it to be very up to date. You know, modern lingerie and general look!
If anyone sees any construction errors, please e-mail me. I'd like to have a safe airplane when I'm done. I can put my ego aside for that! ;-)
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