Johns Web Site
John Hornbeck
Anderson, SC - USA
York Enterprises - Z-2300
Lycoming - AEIO540
MT - MTV-9 - Fixed
Total Build Time:
762 Hours
Welcome to my experimental aircraft Web site.
After years of thinking about it, debating it, and talking myself out of it, it is now time to build my own airplane.
I want something that is strong and not likely to break when I mess up (to high entry speed into snaps or tail that can handle a tail slide). Something that can handle unlimited acro - even if I never do it - with 2 people.
I want a fast cross country plane.
I want something different and to be different.
Personal history: Born 7/03/1973, flew radio control aircraft including helos in late 80's. Started college in '91 for financial management, dropped out in '93 for lack of finances, started RN program in '95, graduated '97, worked as RN in ER then ICU, built a deck in '99, continued building, built first house in 2000, by 2002 building second house now no time for nursing, quit nursing got GC license, started flying RC again in '08, got private pilot in 2010, bought 1974 Cessna Cardinal, in mid '11 bought Baby Great Lakes, late 2012 RV-3B, now have both a RV-3B and RV-6.
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