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Date:  10-1-2010
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  VS Hinge & Updrill

Tonight I got the vertical stabilizer hinge installed and drilled. It was kind of a chore because I had to make sure it was setback half of the total hinge diameter, which measured out to be 3/32. During the process I found myself measuring before and after drilling each hole, to make sure no curve or warpage crept in. It ended up being pretty much dead on, I think (won't know until I mate it to the rudder hinge).

I also made it hard on myself at first by trying to measure the top of the hinge to the top of the stabilize, which is supposed to be 1". Once I realized that each hinge loop needed to be centered on the pre-drilled skin holes, I just aligned to that and all was well, and I'm right at the correct 1" distance from the top. I'm finding a lot of work can be taken out depending on how you measure and align things!

Updrilling the skin & rib holed from 3/32" to 1/8" went without issues, as expected.
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Hinge Alignment and Drilling

Hinge Alignment and Drilling

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Hinge Installed

Hinge Installed

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