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John's RV10 Project Build
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Date:  8-22-2023
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  priming bottom wing skins

This morning I primed the bottom wing skin parts so things are ready for final assembly. As I mentioned in yesterday's post I am waiting to start fuse section until I find out the deal with the laser cut part issue. Vans said sometime within a week or so replacement parts will be able to be ordered for free. I haver approx 29 parts (not as bad compared to other builders).

I did find out my control surfaces (spars) were punched because I went back to my inventory pictures and saw them covered in blue plastic. I am so glad I was thourough when taking initial photos. I don't have to to re build my airplane pfffeeewwwwww:-)

Priming was pretty quick but this was the first time I used the Stewart Systems Eko Prime. I ran out of the Akzo Nobel and will not pay $550 for another gallon of it. I planned on priming the fuse anyway with the grey color. The water base is easier to work with but in my opinion I like how the Akzo sprays better!

I thinned the Eko prime with 10% distilled water and it still went on a little thick. It dried really quick and now I can store these skin parts until I am ready to close up the skins sometime this fall (hopefully).
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bottom skins just sprayed

bottom skins just sprayed

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IB bottom skin and other parts sprayed

IB bottom skin and other parts sprayed

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pretty much dry within 20 minutes!

pretty much dry within 20 minutes!

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