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John's RV10 Project Build
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Date:  8-8-2023
Number of Hours:  2.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Flap Hinge Brackets

It took me some time to read and understand the assembly procedures but it went smoothly after I looked at the schematics several times. The drawings are very helpful but sometimes I wish Vans made them a little bit more detailed and larger.
I labeled the end hinge bracket assemblies A and C. I labeled the center assembly B. This way I can reassemble the same way with all holes lining up properly.

Priming was done and then riveted with AN470AD4-4 to hold together, Now time to rivet to spar and then on to skins. The flap is much larger than aileron.
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all brackets riveted for right flap

all brackets riveted for right flap

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