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John's RV10 Project Build
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Date:  6-26-2023
Number of Hours:  4.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Aileron Trailing Edge proseal and riveting

Prosealed the insides of the skins after cleaning with acetone then clecoed the trailing edge together for three days. Once cured I set all the rivets halfway with back rivet set. I finished setting the rivet with the Cleavland TE tool. This has a spring and angled die which contours to the RV-10 trailing edge:-) It works great once you get some practice in.

I had to drill out several rivets because I didn't use the back rivet method to partially set rivet. From what I researched this is because rivet is set on an angle and skin is pulled apart due to contour on die. I angled the back rivety set perpindicular to the rivet shaft and not to skin. I used TE tool in pneumatic squeezer to finish setting the rivets flush with top edge of skin.

Came of really nice!!!!
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