Brief Description: cutting out access panel from skin
Today I cut the bottom OB LE skin to make the access hatch opening for the stall warning system. I was debating on skipping it since I will have AOA with my Garmin GAP26 heated pitot. I decided to do it anyway. I guess its better to have it and not need it, them need it and not have it.
I was doing some research about the accuracy of the stall warning and I've heard mixed reviews. If its to annoying during flight I will just disconnect it in the cabin.
I dimpled and deburred all holes according to plans. Everything cam out smoothly.
I had to drill out the 2 rivets that are used to cleco the doubler plate initially. That was no big deal.
I am getting tired and it is now 11:30 pm. Tomoorow is another day. I plan on getting the entire stall warning system installed.