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John's RV10 Project Build
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Date:  5-12-2023
Number of Hours:  3.50
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Tank Attatch Z Brackets

Prosealed then riveted the tank attach Z brackets on rear baffle of left fuel tank. I used the 42H closed end pull rivets called out in plans for Z attatch. I used the 41H rivets for the holes adjacent to the Z brackets which hold baffle to rear rib flanges directly.

These were pretty easy to install. I spun the rivet in proseal and twisted it as it lowed into open hole. This helps seal the hole and no external sealant required.
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left fuel tank complete

left fuel tank complete

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rivets set and proseal curing

rivets set and proseal curing

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tank attach Z bracket prosealed

tank attach Z bracket prosealed

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