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John's RV10 Project Build
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Date:  4-29-2023
Number of Hours:  5.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Left Fuel Tank Stiffeners Prosealed Riveted

I started the day prosealing for the first time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AREN'T I A LUCKY GUY:-)

I managed to get all of theLEFT tank stiffeners in place and backriveted everything! I purchased a 24"x24" 1/4" thick back rivet bucking bar made of steel. This was much easier than the smaller one I have from Cleaveland Tools.
I mixed just 2 batches of proseal so I would not have to deal with this stuff setting on me. It was a good work session. Besides it being really messy everything turned out perfect.

All of the manufactured heads of the AN4263-3.5 set perfect.

Before beginning, I previously scuffed the surfaces and taped the rivets in place in preperation for back riveting,
Small amounts of sealant on the outside of skin cleaned up nice with acetone and a rag!

Sorry if I did not get any pictures of the skin uncradled but I was hands deep in proseal. Did not want to get any of this stuff on my phone.
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stiffeners riveted

stiffeners riveted

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stiffeners riveted 2

stiffeners riveted 2

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