Brief Description: Empennage Arrives and begin inventory
Just about 1 year of waiting since first ordering the RV10......the emp kit finally arrived. I was getting ready for the arrival by ordering my tools, painting my brand new fished 2 car garage, installing a heater, and building 4 EAA work benches! This was done a few weeks prior to today's arrival!
I am soooooo excited to get started. I plan on making a YouTube Channel to document my build but do not have a camera yet. I am looking into a few different models but for now I will just take pictures and post here.
I beleive my fuse and wing kits will arrive in 2 months at the same time. I just heard the fuse kit is being pushed back a month untl August. Uggghhhhh so frustrating! I guess I have to keep being patient.
At least I have something to work on while I wait for the rest.