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Date:  5-7-2011
Number of Hours:  1.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Corrosion Treament

The metal is prepared with Scotch-Bright, washed with Deoxidine 624 and then treated with Alocrom 1200 two pack (MP0004). Finally, using a Devibis SRI HD Gravity fed spray gun with a 1.4 fluid tip. It is primed with a Sherwin-William’s two pack epoxy 2-Comp Chrome free epoxy (CM0481968) adding a reducer (10%). The reducer helps produce a silky finish. The process is all done within 24 hours to enable the paint to chemically bond with the Alocrom 1200 to give a very good scatch and chip resistance. The SRI Devilbis gun has an air input of 75psi and a gun pressure of 3.80bar as recorded on the gun's LED read out; it greatly helps in producing consistency.
The paint and metal is held at 17deg C for 24 hours with the humidity controlled prior to painting. A forced air system is used by the sprayer with full protection kit and a pair of old shoes. The atomised paint can adhere to anything even the paint surface of a car twenty yards away, my son knows to his cost. It did not come off! Everything was tried but the specks of paint never came off.
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Prep. of  H. Stab parts

Prep. of H. Stab parts

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Alocrom 1200 H.Stab

Alocrom 1200 H.Stab

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Chrome free epoxy primer

Chrome free epoxy primer

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