Was able to work today on completing the center and tip ribs. These ribs were started a couple of weeks ago but was unable to be finished until I got the updated plans. Got the oblong hole cut in all the center ribs that were of .025 material. Got the round holes cut in the .032 material center ribs. Tip ribs got an oblong hole. Was able to flange the edges of all .025 center ribs and the tip ribs. Still like one more hole in the .032 ribs for the flap drive tube to run though. Need new larger die to complete that. All center ribs and tip ribs were deburred today using a 6 inch shotch brite 7a fine wheel on a bench grinder.
Lightening holes left to be flanged
.032 center ribs. 1 hole left to do
14 .025 center ribs ready for lightening hole flanging