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Date:  4-23-2015
Number of Hours:  8.00
Manual Reference:  Classic Plans
Brief Description:  Different items we are doing

In Picture one, the vertical tail surface on our hatz is configured for 2 flying wires simiular ito this airplane.
picture 2 - I made this part for the connection to the ruders, but it will not do with the lengh of wires we have (front rudder to back rudder) so will have to make new cable or modify the part.
Picture 3 - We got to watch and practice a friend (Travis) cover and rib stitch a Cub wing. Also, over at Sun n Fun got some hands on time for the modified seine knot. I purchased a practice kit fromPoly Fiber that we will be able to practice some more.
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Double VS Flying wiresl

Double VS Flying wiresl

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Rudder connection

Rudder connection

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Rib lacing

Rib lacing

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