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Date:  10-18-2017
Number of Hours:  0.00
Manual Reference:  
Brief Description:  Flight Test #10

Flight Test #10 was completed on 10-18-2017. The purpose of this test was to determine the Static Longitudinal Stability, Short-Period Dynamic Longitudinal Stability, Long-Period Dynamic Longitudinal Stability, Lateral Control Stability, and Spiral Stability. The testing was conducted in accordance with FAA Advisory Circular # 90-89B.

The Static Longitudinal Stability was positive in both push and pull modes.

The Short-Period Dynamic Longitudinal Stability was positive, completing 1-1/2 slow and gentle oscillations while returning to trim attitude.

The long-Period Dynamic Longitudinal Stability was also positive, completing a single slow and gentle oscillation while returning to trim attitude.

Lateral Control Stability was positive, returning quickly to straight and level.

Static Directional Stability was positive, returning to straight flight immediately.

Spiral Stability was neutral in both directions, remaining in the turn without increasing or decreasing the bank angle.

These tests were fun and interesting to conduct.

The total Phase One test time is 21.7 hrs.
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Flight Test Card PP #1 & #2

Flight Test Card PP #1 & #2

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Flight Test Card PP #3 & #4

Flight Test Card PP #3 & #4

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Test Flight #10 Weight & Balance

Test Flight #10 Weight & Balance

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