This Great Adventure came about after I attempted to build a Vision composite A/C. While the Vision has many great specs, I found several problems that made it an unsatisfactory project for me. First I found that I have contact dermatitis from working with the epoxy... No fun at all!
Then I discovered that there are no small, bite-sized sub projects when working with composites. Once you start a lay-up figure at least 6 hours of work, no potty breaks, no eating, no phone calls etc. Often it was more like 10 - 12 hrs including cleanup!
So, after some more research I settled on Vans RV-9A. I ordered a manual and read it cover to cover in March of 2004 then made the trek to Aurora Oregon and got to take a flight in the factory -9 in May of 2004... Ordered the Empanage on site while still grinning... The rest is history, documented here.
Please feel free to contact me just to shoot the breeze or to point out a oops or to ask how in the heck I managed to do whatever. Thanks for looking!