Most people say "you are building what in your garage?" or "a real airplane that flies?" or my favorite "you mean a radio controlled airplane" Than the next thing they say is "why"? But they say the same thing when I tell them I rode my motorcycle from Key West, Florida to Homer, Alaska. If I have to explain than you wouldn't understand. So now that we have that cleared up I can move on. I am building an airplane in my garage, a Van's RV-7. It's an all aluminum 200mph 2 seat airplane. And this is my web site where you can watch me build it or should I say get updates on the progress I am making. Although if you like you can come watch me build it, I would enjoy the company and maybe you could help a little. The picture of the very pretty young lady is my wife of 31 years. She is the one that is making this possible for me to do. With out her support and help I don't think I could do this. Thanks Jo!