Davids Web Site
David Schieman
Lawrenceville, Ga - USA
Sonex - Sonex
Aerovee -
Total Build Time:
12 Hours
Welcome to my experimental aircraft Web site. This is my log of my journey in building an airplane. I picked the Sonex because of the ease of building, factory support and it just looks neat. I do this for fun and education. I will be scratch building my project, but I purchased the tail kit just to get my feet wet and speed things along.
CAUTION: This web site is in no way a publication of, nor has it been reviewed by, or approved by, Sonex, LLC. All content included herein is not provided in an instruction context, but merely to document and share the progress of my Experimental / Amateur Built aircraft project in a recreational context only. Anything contained herein that sounds like a tip or guidance should not be taken as firm guidance. Consult Sonex LLC for their official position on anything that varies from their plans. All Builder's tips and instructions are presented only as a source of information and a forum for exchange and the sharing of ideas and construction methods. NO responsibility or liability is assumed, expressed, or implied as to the suitability, accuracy, safety, or approval thereof. Any party using the suggestions, ideas, instructions or examples on these pages is assumed to do so with the full knowledge that any approach deviating from Sonex plans is done with full responsibility for one's actions without recourse of any other party.
I borrowed the caution part (just to lazy to create my own)
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