


Carl Peters
St. Louis, MO -
Van's - RV-9A
Total Build Time:
980 Hours
Welcome to my experimental aircraft Web site, which serves as a builder's log and for family/friends to follow. I am building a Van's Aircraft RV-9A, a two seat low wing traditionally constructed aluminum aircraft capable of 190mph speeds.
The major assemblies (slow build kit) will be done in a bay of the garage, with a rough estimate of 'who knows' years of building (no schedule/time frame = no stress).
Life is short. This will be fun. Can't pass up the challenge - opportunity to build a legacy project. I considered buying a used 1970's era commercially built plane (eg A Cessna 172), but for the same money, I can have a new aircraft with a modern glass avionics cockpit that is far superior in performance and burns less fuel. After this is done, I will have a thorough knowledge of aircraft construction and systems.
Legally I will be able to do my own repairs. No TSA and airport waits - OK to bring a pocketknife and more than 3 oz of liquid on my plane.
Why an RV-9A?
The well engineered RV family of aircraft has a long track record of reliability and safety. Over 7000 now fly, with thousands more under construction. The online builder's community is huge (12,600 people world wide on vansairforce.net) and quite supportive. I am usually perusing it most days.
As I'm not interested in acro, the -9 made more sense than the -7, though a close call. After many dozens of research hours, I feel this plane has the best blend of speed, fuel economy, handling, docile approach speeds, etc., for the dollar of any aircraft flying, production or experimental.
Tentative configuration:
Tip-up canopy, Lycoming or clone IO-360/180hp new engine, electronic ignition one side, a Catto 3 blade fixed pitch set for cruise. Considering the Sam James long cowl and other speed mods - many more hours research first to weigh the performance gain vs. cost and labor. Cockpit - glass panel with Dynon or GRT full size EFIS and EMS, GPS, 2 axis autopilot, set up for day and night VFR. Hula girl bobble figure talisman.
The name Serenity? A good description of what it feels to fly. Also the name of the craft in Josh Whedon's highly regarded movie of the same name. Originally, I had named the project after my daughter's nickname, but as she is older she doesn't want it broadcast publicly - best to stay in her graces to keep domestic serenity!
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