
Lancair Legacy FG-6

Alan Adamson
Buford, GA - USA
Lancair - Legacy FG
Continental - IO-550
Hartzell - PHC-J3YF-1RF/F7391D-3 - Constant Pitch
Total Build Time:
302 Hours
So far this is a unique airplane. It's a Lancair Legacy FG, but built on the all carbon fiber RG platform. This will allow a 340HP, IO-550 engine to be used on it, and the standard 3 blade Hartzell prop. At the current time, there is one other airplane like this flying. With no body work, paint and including wing tiplets, it's only running about 10-15kts slower than it's sister in retractable gear. I'm shooting for 225kts, where the RG is normally a 240kt airplane.
Panel will be glass via Chelton, but this is a more budget minded glass airplane. As soon as I have the final panel design nailed down, I'll share that here as well.
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