Marks Nynja - Queensland

Mark Allen
Brisbane, Queensland - Australia
Best Off Aircraft - Nynja
Rotax - 912 ULS
DUC - FC - Fixed
Total Build Time:
117 Hours
This is the ongoing Log of my Purchase, Lament, Building, Flying and Owning of my very first aircraft.
My Kit Log Full PDF - Last Updated 22-8-12
Recent News
5-9-12 -- Build Day 12-21 have been posted.
22-8-12 -- Build Day 1-11 have been posted, work progress's!
26-7-12 -- Good News Kit has arrived just have to wait for it to arrive from sydney, by road...?
A Great Review from BMAA on the Nynja
A Little about me
My Name is Mark Allen, 34, Married Living in Brisbane Queensland Australia. I've always been moved to learn how to fly, but work and time constraints, have never really had me in the right place at the right time, I considered flying as a career as a younger man, but sadly standing over 6ft7, when I enquired, I got the standard 'This may not be for you', which I found out in later years, is nothing more that most operators not really wanting to teach new PPL or Private students.
Early in 2011/Late 2010, I was foolishly given time off from work, and while sitting around at home reading one afternoon in late December, I decided that I would do something about it, looking into costs and hours, it was a little scary, but nothing ventured nothing gained really!
I took my first flight in early 2011 in Toowoomba, Graham the CFI at the Darling Downs Aero Club was a lovely host, and I got my first taste of flying at the controls, but got exceptionally air sick, and returned to earth, this nearly scuttled the entire plan.
After doing some more looking around, I repeated the process out at Archerfield, something that I did not enjoy at all, the simple feeling was that they didn’t want to know unless you where wanting to go ATPL, so that was dropped.
Calling around I found a 'Recreational Flying' group at heck field, and spent a few hours down there, before they sold off the aircraft I fit into (Again, being tall isn’t all that much fun at times), and I was again without a home, I tried Boonah, but couldn’t justify the cost and the drive out at the time, I was put onto Go Fly in Caboolture from my old CFI at Heck Field, and the rest is history.
I started Formal training on April 30th 2011, and Finished with High Performance, Variable Pitch, Cross Country and my Pilot Certificate on the 14th of January 2012.
Now what? Continue Renting or Build my own?
I'll be the first to say that I'm a little 'All Thumbs' when it comes to engineering, I lucked out when it came to the dish out of how to do this, but I'll get there..
This is my little corner of the web, I chose to use KitLog to keep a record of what is going on, as creating my own website is something that I don’t have time for (Though I've got a basic one at www.markjamesallen.com)
A Little about the Nynja
I've been looking since the start of this little adventure to get my own aircraft, this way I can go and fly when I would like to, not constrained by other peoples schedules or having to fight with others to get a hold of the aircraft you want to fly, will it limit my flying, a little, I wont get to fly various types now, but if I want to go for a week, or a month I can, and its the cost of fuel and only my stamina!
When it was featured in the RA-Aus Magazine early in 2012, I thought this is something that I could do, but being busy I didnt get a chance to chase it up.
Two things made the decision a little easier, a great YouTube Video and the aircraft that I was flying becoming unavailable due to the owner having an incident in it.
From Skyranger.com
In the early 90s Phillipe Prevot set out to design a high performance light aircraft of the simplest possible construction, which could be assembled, inspected, maintained or repaired by almost any one anywhere in the world.
He collaborated with some of the most respected aeronautical schools, ENSICA and Sup Aero. The design criteria was met and the Skyranger was born. The prototype was built and flown in 1992.
Each year there have been improvements to the design and new patents registered. Between 1992 and 1997, 198 Skyrangers were produced in France by Synairgie. Today the Skyranger is Manufactured under license by Aeros Ltd to very high standards.
The incredible success of the Skyranger is due to it’s simple but incredibly strong construction and high performance. There are now more than 1200 Skyrangers flying all over the world. They are used extensively in Europe, the UK and the US as trainers because of their flying qualities and low operational cost.
In 2009 The Nynja was released, the culmination of 16 years experience with the Skyranger. The Nynja brings a new level of sophistication and performance to light aircraft flight.
The Nynja has already established itself as a sought after trainer in Europe with more than 50 flying already, many of those in flying training schools. The Nynja has satisfactorily completed flight tests for British BCAR S. homologation.
Best off Aircraft France
Skyranger Australia
A Little about my flying
I Enjoy 2-3-4-5 hour Trips, and hope that the introduction of a new aircraft into our life’s will allow us to take more of them!
I fly usually every weekend out of Caboolture Aerodrome (YCAB), I'm a member of the Aeroclub, and hope to house my New Nynja.
As of Early June 2012, I've just past my 140 hour mark while flying, I took a few weeks off after I found out that my wife and I where expecting our first child, just to get the world in order, but I'm back once again, flying and enjoying every second of it.
'For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return' Leonardo Da Vinci ... this is so true, how many of you reading this, whenever you hear an aircraft pass over head, or approaching, turn to find where it is, what it is, and imagine yourself up there as well, when your a passenger, do you feel the need to change to Area Frequency rather than Sitting on CTAF, just in case something goes wrong, before you land when your sitting in the back seat or the right hand seat, do you watch the PIC go through the checks to make sure they have checked them properly, do you run your mind over all of the safety items and make sure you have sufficient fuel for a go around?
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